Partners And Ecosystem

With our ecosystem of integration, technology and distribution partners, the possibilities for your audio intelligence project are endless

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Proud to work with best-in-class organizations from across the technology spectrum

We work with an ecosystem of hardware, software, technology, integration and distribution partners giving you the flexibility to create audio and wireless conference solutions that meet your business needs. We are technology and industry agnostic, and our open architecture enables integration and synchronization with third-party data and systems.

Our partner ecosystem is compared of:




App Developers

Key Benefits


Protect your investment. Finetune’s extensible platforms scale to meet evolving audio intelligence needs.

Plays Nice with Others

Our technology agnostic architecture and open APIs allow for integration while diverting the risk of vendor lock-in.


Leverage a proven best-in-class solution that is robust, versatile and secure. We are the go-to leader in the audio data space.